Areas of Practice
Business formation and operation
Thinking of starting a new business or wondering if you should change the structure of an existing one? Choosing the right business entity for the operation of your business is key. Each entity has its own rules regarding ownership, limited liability, taxation, and other considerations. We can help you choose the right business structure, devise and implement the best approach to formation, and advise you on strategic matters once you get going.
All businesses, including individuals who are self-employed, need to be aware of potential legal risk and liability, and take steps to minimize it. We can help you do that by assessing the structure of your business, such as its physical or digital space, the types of products or services you offer, your vendors and customers, etc. and by advising you on potential risks and steps you might take to minimize them.
Remember the old expression “good fences make good neighbors”? It’s the same with contracts. Every business needs well written contracts to keep their relationships running smoothly. They set expectations, provide assurances, and dictate what happens when things don’t go as hoped or planned. They can also act as insurance to mitigate the risk that a dispute will lead to litigation. The type of contracts you need will depend on the type of work you do and what you are trying to accomplish. We can work with you to decide what key contracts you need or don’t need.
Examples of contracts we can assist with include:
business formation agreements (e.g. operating agreements, shareholder agreements)
services agreements
independent contractor agreements
licensing agreements
nondisclosure agreements (NDA)
technology agreements (e.g. SAAS, Terms of Service, Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, End User License Agreements)
We can also help you understand and negotiate contracts that are presented to you for acceptance by vendors, partners, and other individuals and businesses.
Looking to acquire property or determine what you can do with property you own? We can assist with real estate purchase and sale transactions and help clients prepare and understand land use controls and real estate documents, such as option and purchase agreements, easements, zoning regulations, deed restrictions, and HOA CC&Rs.
dispute resolution
Disagreements and disputes are inevitable in business as they are in life. Resolving disputes short of litigation is almost always the preferred route. Sometimes all that may needed is a demand letter, informal negotiation or mediation for parties to come to a resolution. Other times, litigation is necessary. In either circumstance, it is critical to obtain solid legal advice on your claims or potential liability as the case may be. Drawing on over fifteen years experience handling litigation matters of all types, we can provide you with strategic counsel to bring your dispute to resolution.